Why Healthy Fats Like Olive Oil Can Help You Lose Weight
- Extra virgin olive oil named as one of top five foods to aid weight loss.
- A 2020 Metabolites study, extra-virgin olive oil intake was linked to a reduction in body weight, belly fat and some markers of inflammation in the body.
- Choosing a balanced evening meal with healthy fats like olive oil can deliver an extra weight-loss boost.
Study Links Olive Oil Consumption To Reduction In Body Weight.
A recent study has linked extra-virgin olive oil to a reduction in body weight, belly fat and some markers of inflammation in the body.
According to the pubmed study, daily Use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil with high oleocanthal concentration reduced body weight, waist circumference, alanine transaminase, inflammatory cytokines and hepatic steatosis in subjects with the metabolic syndrome.
Olive Oil In Top Five Evening Food Choices To Assist Weight-Loss.
The Metabolites study was referenced in a recent article suggested Olive Oil is one of the top five food choices to make in the evening to assist with a weight-loss programme. As stated in the article:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Don’t be afraid to add an olive oil drizzle to your dinner—it may help you lose weight. Extra-virgin olive oil contains the highest levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but don’t go dousing your dinner with it. One tablespoon contains about 125 calories, and it is possible to have too much of a good thing!
Also listed in the article as key foods to support weight loss goals and keep you satisfied are:
- Peppers
- Beans
- Pasta
- Salmon
Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is One Of The Healthiest Fats Around.
We all know that EVOO is great for drizzling over salads and creating that perfect bruschetta. It is, unquestionably the most flavoursome and aromatic of all the olive oils. It is also incredibly healthy. EVOO has been widely researched and the health benefits are evidence based including:
- EVOO reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
- EVOO has beneficial effects on ulcers and gastritis
- EVOO maintains the digestive tract in good health
- EVOO helps to reduce blood pressure
- EVOO controls healthy cholesterol levels
- EVOO eases or prevents diabetes
- EVOO lessens the severity of osteoporosis
Olive oil has also now been shown to have proven weight-loss properties, which can be achieved by having three tablespoons or about 50ml of EVOO a day.
These are the findings of US nutritionist and associate professor of clinical medicine Dr Mary Flynn, who’s been studying the effects and health benefits of extra virgin olive oil since the 1990s.
“The general body of research says that once you have two or more tablespoons a day, you’ll improve your blood pressure, your glucose levels and your good cholesterol,” Flynn says. “But I’ve found that the weight-loss effect comes into play at three tablespoons, so that’s what I recommend. It’s an amazing food – it does all these things that help your body, plus it tastes good.”
It’s important to note that when Flynn refers about “olive oil”, she’s talking about extra-virgin olive oil, like Morocco Gold which is rich in nutrients.
Practical Ways To Introduce Olive Oil Into Your Weight-Loss Routine.
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is not just a versatile kitchen staple; it’s also a valuable addition to a weight-loss diet. Packed with healthy monounsaturated fats, EVOO helps promote satiety, reduces unhealthy cravings, and supports heart health. If you’re looking for practical ways to incorporate this nutrient-rich oil into your daily meals, here are some simple and effective tips:
- Use It as a Salad Dressing: Drizzle EVOO over your fresh salads for a light, flavorful dressing. Combine it with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar for added zest.
- Swap Butter with EVOO: Replace butter or margarine with EVOO when sautéing vegetables or preparing your favorite recipes.
- Blend It Into Smoothies: Add a teaspoon of EVOO to your morning smoothies for an extra dose of healthy fats.
- Drizzle Over Roasted Veggies: Enhance the flavor of roasted vegetables by tossing them in EVOO before placing them in the oven.
- Include It in Soups or Stews: Stir a small amount into soups and stews after cooking for a richer taste and added nutrients.
- Dip Instead of Spread: Substitute butter for EVOO as a dip for whole-grain bread or crackers.
By introducing these small but impactful changes, you can enjoy the benefits of olive oil while keeping your meals both nutritious and delicious.
Achieve Your Weight-Loss Goals Start your healthy eating journey today. Purchase a premium bottle of Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil to support your weight-loss goals through mindful, nutritious eating.