Ancient expertise and contemporary science combine in this ultra-premium extra virgin olive oil.
Updated July 12th 2023

- Moroccan extra virgin olive oil is quickly gaining popularity amongst health-conscious consumers for good reason, and Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil is providing the lead. This exceptional extra virgin olive oil is packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
- Additionally, Moroccan olive oil has high levels of polyphenols, the antioxidants, which can help protect against inflammation and oxidative stress. Not only is it good for you, but it also has a delicious, fresh fruity flavor that adds depth to any dish. Incredibly versatile, try drizzling it over roasted vegetables or dipping crusty bread into it for an exotic culinary experience.
- And to really get the full health benefits, try taking ‘a shot’ (around 2 table-spoonfulls) of this wonderful extra virgin olive oil in the morning.
- No wonder Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil is becoming a favorite among those striving to lead a healthy lifestyle.
- Morocco Gold : More Than An Exceptional Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- A Unique New Source For This Amazing Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Morocco Gold Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is Incredibly Versatile
- Picholines and Polyphenols In Morocco Gold Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil : Foodstuff Or Medicine?
Morocco Gold : More Than An Exceptional Extra Virgin Olive Oil
When people talk about olive oil they still think Italian, Spanish, maybe Greek. What is less well known is Morocco has been producing excellent extra virgin quality olive oil for centuries, from the time of the Romans. In fact those countries have often relied on Moroccan olive oil to bolster their own harvest.
That is now changing, thanks to Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil. Launched in 2018, Morocco Gold combines centuries of local cultivation and harvesting knowledge with rigorous traceability and quality assurance to bring what many Moroccans consider a ‘noble food’ to health and flavor-conscious food lovers worldwide.
However, Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil is more than just an exceptional olive oil from an amazing new source. It is a growing movement to address one of the major challenges of our time – chronic illness.
Morocco Gold is on a mission to
- Help promote the health benefits of high-quality extra virgin olive oil
- Establish Morocco as an undiscovered source of premium quality extra virgin olive oil
- Bring Morocco Gold to health-conscious food lovers – worldwide
- Enable people to live more pain-free, longer lives
Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil is a true game-changer in the health and wellness field. Our unique blend of polyphenols are one of nature’s best kept secrets – science has proven that they can help protect us against chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and more.
But what really sets Morocco Gold apart from other olive oils is that it has been carefully crafted from the finest olives sourced in Morocco. This gives our oil its distinctive flavor and unparalleled quality – making it one of the best olive oils on the market. On top of that, thanks to its polyphenols, you can rest assured knowing that it’s providing you with essential health benefits that will help keep you healthy and strong.
A Unique New Source For This Amazing Extra Virgin Olive Oil
A half-day’s drive northeast of Marrakech, nestled in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, a unique and unspoiled valley in the Beni-Mellal region, where the mild winters, dry summer and hot Sahara breezes blow over the course sand and rich clay, providing the ideal conditions for growing the prized Picholine Marocaine cultivar, the only olive used to produce Moriocco Gold.

Extra virgin olive oil from this cultivar is renowned for its high polyphenol count, oxidative stability and longevity. It also gives Morocco Gold its distinctive flavour of green fruitiness, hints of sweet almonds, fresh turf, fresh herbs and a “peppery” finish. It’s this exceptionally well balanced flavor profile that won the brand a gold medal awards for taste.
Morocco Gold olives are picked early in the harvesting season when the fruit is young, pressed at low temperature within 24 hours picking. The oil is tested and closely inspected by the Office National de Securite Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires (ONSSA), then again in the UK to International Olive Council standards.
Morocco Gold maintains full traceability throughout to guarantee provenance, authenticity and extra virgin olive oil quality. Uniquely Morocco Gold includes the results of the analysis of each harvest, including polyphenol levels, on each and every bottle.
Morocco Gold Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is Incredibly Versatile
Incredibly versatile, Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil can be used either on its own or as an excellent cooking medium and core element of the Mediterranean diet. It can be used on salads, as a dip for some delicious crusty bread, to bring additional flavour to soups, drizzle on hot food to, and even add to ice cream – Yes, Really!
However many of Morocco Gold’s customers prefer to have it on it’s own and take a ‘shot’ (around 2 tablespoon-fulls) early morning, here’s why.
Picholines and Polyphenols In Morocco Gold Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
In a fast-changing world it is unusual to re-discover a ‘wisdom of the ancients’ that is as potent now as it has been for thousands of years. It has been known for centuries that high quality extra virgin olive oil is good for your health and wellbeing. It has also been lauded across many cultures.
The difference now is – following extensive scientific research we now know exactly what is in high quality olive oils that are so good for you – its antioxidant polyphenols.
What makes Morocco Gold an exceptional extra virgin olive oil and so special is it is teeming with these health enhancing polyphenols that provide protection against a wide range of chronic illnesses including coronary heart disease, hypertension, osteoarthritis and many others.
Chronic disease in the United States, already highly prevalent, is expected to worsen over the next several decades among all age groups. These ailments account for 70 percent of all deaths in America, killing more than 1.7 million people each year.
Chronic diseases significantly contribute to the $3.3 trillion in annual government-run health care costs and are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States.
Nutrition experts have increasingly celebrated extra virgin olive oil for it’s unique combination of flavor and health benefits. Many of these reported benefits, from improvements in heart health to reduction in diabetes risk are linked to the naturally occurring polyphenols in high quality extra virgin olive oils.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Foodstuff Or Medicine?
Extra virgin olive oil has been praised as one of the best oils for a healthy lifestyle, but is it just a foodstuff or can it also be considered a medicine? The truth is that extra virgin olive oil is both. This highest quality olive oil is full of polyphenols that are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
Hippocrates : father of modern medicine
The benefits that come with consuming high quality extra virgin olive oil like Morocco Gold daily are endless, from improving heart health to promoting brain function. Incorporating this amazing oil into your diet can not only enhance your meal’s flavor but also provide countless health benefits, making it a wonderful foodstuff and medicine.
Morocco Gold is on a mission to show health and wellness conscious food lovers how this incredibly simple diet / lifestyle choice – inclusion of a high-quality extra virgin olive oil like Morocco Gold – can have a profound impact on their health and wellbeing.
Many of our customers have already made Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil part of their health and wellness lifestyle choices. Over 60% of its orders are for repeat customers.
We are delighted to contribute to improving the quality of life for so many people. And by the way – Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil tastes GREAT! This makes it an exceptional extra virgin olive oil.