Polyphenols In Morocco Gold Extra Virgin Olive Oil New Harvest

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Our latest harvest is even higher in polyphenols

Updated 26th July 2024

Morocco Gold New Harvest
Morocco Gold New Harvest



  1. Why this is important
  2. Setting A New Standard for Authenticity And The Guarantee Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality

Once our olives have been harvested, pressed and tasted for the first time, we have a good indication of the quality of Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil, but it does not stop there. It has to be analysed to validate its extra virgin olive oil quality.

Our oil is tested in Morocco by the Moroccan Food authority, ONSSA (Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des produits Alimentaires). It is further independently tested in the UK by Campden BRI who are the country’s leading food testing agency, so there is a double guarantee of extra virgin quality.

We are delighted to share the headline results of our latest harvest analysis for Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil.

Acidity level : 0.2%
Polyphenols : 649mg / kg
(Of which 372mg/kg is Tyrosol)

Certification Of Polyphenol Count in the new harvest
Certification Of Polyphenol Count in the new harvest

This is the highest level of polyphenols to date and confirms the ongoing high quality of this rare, delicious tasting extra virgin olive oil from this wonderful new source, together with its health enhancing qualities from its high polyphenol count.

Why this is important.

Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality olive oil you can get. Genuine extra virgin olive oil is rare and precious.

The chemical characteristics of extra virgin olive oil give an indication of the care with which it was made and stored: how the fruit was grown, transported and harvested, how it was pressed into oil, and how the oil was packaged and bottled. Stringent chemical analysis also helps to determine if the oil is adulterated in any way. The chemical standards for extra virgin olive oil are the highest of all the grades and, as such, offer a guarantee of quality.

The definition of extra virgin olive oil is very precise regards production methods, taste and chemical composition. To be certified as extra virgin, an olive oil must:

  • Come from a single source, it is not mixed / blended with other olive oils, even if they are of extra virgin quality
  • Come from the first pressing of fresh, young olives, normally within 24 hours of harvesting
  • Be extracted purely by mechanical means at temperatures specifically below 28C.
  • Have free fatty acid or acidity level (normally measured as oleic acid) of less than 0.8%.
  • Be defect free and have a perfect taste and aroma.

The lower the acidity, the better the quality and the longer the shelf-life.

High quality extra virgin olive oils also contain the antioxidants and polyphenols that give the health enhancing qualities associated with olive oil.

Polyphenols are a potent antioxidant – one that can decommission a nasty molecule in your body called free radicals. Free radicals can ricochet around inside your body and harm good cells. Antioxidants, such as the polyphenols found in extra virgin olive oil, work to neutralize free radicals, protecting the body from their harmful antics.

The importance of polyphenols goes beyond their antioxidant properties. These compounds also have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce chronic inflammation—a common precursor to serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. By incorporating foods rich in polyphenols, like extra virgin olive oil, into your diet, you actively support your body’s natural defence mechanisms.

Polyphenols are also known to promote better cardiovascular health. They help maintain the flexibility of blood vessels and support healthy blood flow, thereby reducing the risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular ailments. Regular intake of polyphenol-rich foods has also been linked to improved brain health. These antioxidants can cross the blood-brain barrier, protecting brain cells and enhancing cognitive functions, potentially lowering the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

In fact, the European Food Safety Agency has now approved health claims for extra virgin olive oils with polyphenol content of more than 250mg / kg. So here are some of the ways that Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil can improve everyday health and well-being.

Extra virgin olive oil is probably the most extensively researched foodstuff on the planet. We now know what makes it so special and why it is so good for you. It really is the original ‘superfood’ that has stood the test of time and will continue to do so.

Setting A New Standard for Authenticity And The Guarantee Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality

A key aim with Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil is to provide our discerning customers with as much information about our fabulous extra virgin olive oil as we can. That is why we include the results of our annual harvest analysis on each and every bottle of Morocco Gold so our customers can see at a glance the quality of our extra virgin olive oil.

Our labelling enables our customers to make well informed choices about the extra virgin olive oil they prefer.

Morocco Bottle Packaging
Morocco Bottle Packaging